Thursday 27 May 2010

New Zealand was brilliant!

Arrived back in UK on Monday 24th after nearly three weeks away in New Zealand.Abeautiful country and that was only the North Island. Staying with our son and daughter in law in Auckland we hired a car and went off exploring on our own. It is coming up for winter there but we still had mostly sunny weather apart from a couple of days torrential rain. I took photos to use in my Creative Sketchbooks course and also to use in creating art quilts and journals. I kept a journal whilst there and collected all sorts of things to add to it with my Pritt stick! Photo at right taken whilst visiting the geothermal park near Rotorua. The chemicals make the water in the lakes lots of different colours. We visited Waitangi in the Bay of Islands where the Treaty between the Maori tribes and the europeans was signed in 1840. Beautiful place and glorious views of the sea.

The time spent with our family was lovely. Lots of reading stories and playing trains or cars with our grandson Ben and playing with baby Amalie who was 1 year old whilst we were there.

It was good to see our son and pray with him after his motor bike accident and see how he is improving. We enjoyed the countryside and also spent a day in Auckland, which probably was not enough! Day or two before we returned home Matt and Claire took us up the Sky Tower and we had a meal in the revolving restaurant. The night time view of Auckland was amazing!
Now that I am back I am concentrating on art quilts, Creative Sketchbooks and the garden.
Looking forward to all that the summer has to offer.....let's hope there is some sunshine in store!

Saturday 1 May 2010

Retired...and off to New Zealand has finally happened....I retired last week and have spent a busy time this week preparing for a visit my husband and I are about to make to see our son and his family in Auckland. I expect to take lots of photos and bring back loads of ideas for art projects. Packing all over the spare room bed.....we are trying to pack sensibly and not take too much ...and I have been on the net tracking down fabric shops in Auckland and surrounding areas.

Back in February my son had a motor bike accident so I am eager to see how he is doing.He injured his foot and wrist and is just about on his feet now. Hard times for him and his wife but God has been great and their church (who had only known them a matter of weeks) were very supportive!